Charles Hamilton - Red Team Training (On Site)

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The purpose of the Red Team Training is to understand the underlying concept of red teaming. The training will cover payloads generation, lateral movement techniques, initial foothold and internal reconnaissance. The training is aiming to provide a deep understanding of all the previously described aspects of a red team.

Charles F. Hamilton (Mr.Un1k0d3r) ,

Charles Hamilton is a Red Teamer with over ten years of experience delivering offensive testing services for various government clients and commercial sectors. In recent years, Charles has specialized in covert Red Team operations targeting complex and highly secured environments. These operations have enabled him to refine his skills in stealthily navigating client networks without detection.

Since 2014, he has been the founder and operator of the RingZer0 Team website, a platform dedicated to teaching hacking fundamentals. The RingZer0 community currently boasts over 50,000 members worldwide. Charles is also a prolific toolsmith and trainer who has delivered this training more than 20 times, both online and onsite. He is a speaker in the InfoSec industry, known under the handle Mr.Un1k0d3r.